Easier Said Than Done!

Easier said than done!

Ok...hands up if you have ever said this phrase, at any time in your life?

Yep! Me too! 

But I heard someone talk about this phrase recently in a way that I had not thought of before and I thought it was worth sharing! Because not only do I say it but I hear it said quite regularly by lots of other people too!

Th thing is...when it comes to this phrase and you REALLY think about it - 

What ISN'T easier said than done??

EVERYTHING is easier said than done!

 Can you take out the rubbish? Easier said than done!

 Can you make the bed? Easier said than done!

 Can you put the ice-cream in the freezer? Easier said than done!

It is a statement we use that gives us an instant opportunity to opt out of making a better decision or even trying at all. 

Let's face it....

It's a dumb reason and not a great statement to say!

The reality is - it is a defeatist statement. Are we simply not going to try things because things easier said than done? Seems silly, right?

I have just completed a challenge at my gym. It was six weeks. 

 Was it easy? No! Because I am still on my fitness and health journey. I still have weight to lose and consistency is an area that I knew I had to focus on.

 Was it easy to talk about doing - attending the gym and being mindful of my nutrition?

Yes! So easy! In fact...so easy, I have talked about it for years!

 Was the challenge of stepping up and pushing myself worth it? Absolutely! 

Everything is easier said than done. Saying something is easy. Wanting something is easy.

The challenge and the reward are in the doing.

 How many times have you decided you were going to try to achieve something, even when you knew there was a challenge that would come with it?

 What was the feeling you had at the end when you experienced the success of moving closer to or achieving your goal or target?

 On the other hand, how many times have you decided that it was easier said than done to a task you really wanted but just thought it's all too hard and what's the point in even starting?

Success is dependent on effort. If we choose not to put any effort in because something is easier said than done, we will miss out on the opportunity to experience a higher level of success

The problem with this statement is we often stop in our actions and effort after we say it and it creates negative thoughts around the action.

  If you're struggling and trying to get ahead, perhaps this is a good opportunity to really examine and look at what you are doing, the level of effort you are putting in and what you are saying about the situation to yourself or out loud to others.

 How do we counter the negative thinking when we approach a challenge in our life?

If we can figure that out, we can support our little humans to do the same as well.

 Are there things that you are telling yourself in your head, that is holding you back?

 What if we could flip it?

 What if something positive happened?


Instead of saying 'Easier said than done' and not even trying...Let's try saying...

 Let me try that because it might work! It might be effective!

 Let me try and see what I can learn along the way!

We all know the old adage - If you never try, you will never know. It's simple and clear.

Your level of success is only predetermined by your effort.

Talk is cheap. Everything is easy to talk about.

But will you step up and grab hold of what you really want to achieve in life?

Strength and growth only come through continuous effort and struggle.

Napoleon Hill

Until next week...have a successful week!
Clarissa xo


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